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Kenneth Rowntree (1915-1997):
Nocturne, 1988
Unframed (ref: 6791)
Oil on panel
See all works by Kenneth Rowntree oil panel Canney Abstract Art Kenneth Rowntree - A Kind of Simplicity
Provenance: The Artist's Estate
Like Marcel Duchamp Rowntree enjoyed creating Objet Trouvé - art produced from undisguised, often modified, everyday objects, in this case part of a tea crate from Phillobari an area in Assam, India. Pablo Picasso first publicly utilized the idea of Objet Trouvé when he pasted a printed image of part of a chair onto his painting titled Still Life with Chair Caning (1912). Marcel Duchamp is thought to have perfected the concept several years later when he made a series of ready-mades. Lettering played a key part in the creation of Objet Trouvé. Like several of his contemporaries, John Piper in particular, Rowntree loved incorporating decorative lettering in his compositions.